Bryan Pizzuti
Bryan Pizzuti began his career working in various social service positions. As a Family Re-Unification Specialist, he developed family service plans to assist parents with regaining their parental rights. Bryan was also an Intake Crisis Counselor responsible for the triage, initial assessment, and referral of individuals in crisis with mental health and/or chemical dependency needs.
Bryan continued to serve the community as both a Juvenile and Adult Probation Officer. His work included the development of court ordered service plans and the supervision of delinquent youth and felony adult offenders.
Bryan is a law enforcement professional with over 24 years of service, currently serving as a Captain with the BloomfieldTownship Police Department in Michigan. Bryan has demonstrated exceptional dedication to public safety, community service, and the professional development of law enforcement personnel.
Bryan has served in both patrol and investigations divisions as an officer and supervisor. Furthermore, he was assigned out to a federal task force for a number of years.
As a department trainer, Bryan has trained in the areas of subject control, force on force, and intermediate weapons. Bryan is known for implementing innovative department training programs that emphasis emotional intelligence, cultural competency and crisis management.
Bryan is well-presented and highly personable, with a strong motivation to train and educate individuals or groups that seek professional growth and development. He believes that the primary insight of a trainer should be the student first; continual study of the craft that is being instructed; knowledge and belief in research, study and questioning of all the areas instruction to stay current, relevant and impactful in students/trainees served.
Bryan holds a B.S. in Psychology from St.Vincent College and a M.S. in Social Work from the University of Pittsburgh. He is also a graduate of Michigan State University School of Staff and Command