Fly High or Crash and Burn - the Entrepreneur Life

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Technology is everywhere – or so it seems. And one of the technologies that has burst onto the scene in the past few years is drones. Faces of Leadership welcomes an expert in drone technology, Skyfire Consulting CEO Matt Sloane, to talk about ways that the technology can make our communities safer and improve public safety performance.
Episode Guest

Matt Sloane is the CEO and founder of Skyfire Consulting and its parent company, Atlanta Drone Group.
Before he founded Atlanta Drone Group in 2014, Matt spent 14 years in various roles at CNN in Atlanta, including 12 years as a medical news producer and special projects manager for Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
In addition to his work there, he worked as a certified Emergency Medical Technician for Emory EMS, working his way up to Chief of Resources and Planning for the department.
Matt is an inaugural member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) technical committee on drones, a technical advisor to the International Association of Fire Chiefs technology council, and an FAA-certified pilot.